The transfer of 9,000 teachers is not a political maneuver

FactSeeker confirms that the transfers are not merely a political decision, but an implementation of the existing processes and laws within the stipulated timeframe.
by Anonymous |
November 4, 2024

Posts circulating on social media claiming that that transfers for 9,000 teachers were given based on political motives and revenge against those who voted against the National People’s Power (NPP) caught the attention of FactSeeker.
Investigating the matter, FactSeeker observed the Weekend Aruna newspaper featured the issue as the lead story on October 27, indicating that transfers are being given to teachers with over ten years of service in national schools. The article reported that the transfers which had not been implemented yet, were to be implemented with immediate effect.
Additional Secretary of the Teacher Establishment Branch at the Ministry of Education, Amal Edirisinghe stated that teachers apply for their transfers annually, and 9,000 applications have been received this year.
The transfer decisions are made by the Teacher Transfer Board under the Ministry of Education, which includes ministry officials and representatives of professional unions, as emphasized by Mr. Edirisinghe.
He said that according to legal provisions, being in service at the same school for more than ten years necessitates a compulsory transfer. He further stated that there are 4,200 transfer applications for teachers who have completed ten years, while the other applications are for various reasons.
A media statement was issued by the Ministry of Education based on Circular No. 2007/20 regarding the Teacher Transfer Policy was observed by FactSeeker.
According to verifications by FactSeeker, the news reported in the Aruna newspaper is true. However, the 9,000 teachers are not only those who have completed 10 years as stated, but all transfers made under the annual transfer process, including those who have completed ten years, fall under these 9,000 transfers.
FactSeeker confirms that the transfers are not merely a political decision, but an implementation of the existing processes and laws within the stipulated timeframe.
Accordingly, FactSeeker confirms that the claims circulating in the social media posts are false.