False news about new recruitments to the Election Commission!

Factseeker confirms that the information circulating on the Internet regarding the recruitment of employees for new posts for the Election Commission is false.
by Anonymous |
August 9, 2024

A post has been circulating on social media and WhatsApp groups stating that the Election Commission has announced that new staff will be recruited for the vacant posts due to the upcoming elections.
Is this announcement true? Let’s ask factseeker.
Whether the official website of the Election Commission announced this was investigated and it was observed that no such announcement had been issued.
A statement issued by the Election Commission was also published on the website stating that the information circulating on the Internet regarding the recruitment of new employees for new posts for the Election Commission is false.
It has also been advised to visit the official website of the Election Commission to know the correct and true news.
Factseeker confirms that the information circulating on the Internet regarding the recruitment of a new employees for new posts for the Election Commission is false.