Is the cost of Independence Day Celebrations 37 crores?

Several weeks ago, various news were published on social media regarding this year’s Independence Celebrations. Meanwhile, a news which was published in a newspaper regarding the Independence Day expenses is being shared rapidly on social media networks.
by Anonymous |
February 3, 2024

Accordingly, Fact Seeker investigated about the truth of the news, the cost of Independence Day Celebrations is 37 crores or not.
The news mentioned post has been published by the journalist of the ‘Derana’ media named Hasitha Wijewardena. Accordingly Fact Seeker monitored the social media accounts of that journalist and it was observed that such kind of a post has not been published on these days.
Since the newspaper being exchanged is similar to the ‘Aruna’ newspaper, Fact Seeker investigated it and confirmed that no such thing has been published in recent days.
When asked by the Ministry of Home Affairs whether the expenses of this year’s Independence Day celebrations have been announced, they said that the expenses have not been officially announced yet.
In this regard, when asked by the journalist Hasitha Wijewardena, he said that the relevant post was published in the year 2023.
However, Fact Seeker confirms that the post is not based on Independence Day Celebrations Expenses.